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always remember "those who mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind, so say what you feel and feel what you say"- Dr. Suess

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

their response is none of your business

Hot button word of the year, BULLY. Now I remember bullying being around since I was in Kindergarten(about 28 years ago). My brother and sister tell stories of bullying when they were in kindergarten(39years ago). Did we have thicker skin? Are  kids  are overreacting? Is it just more publisized and media-fied now more than 3 decades ago?

I remember several of my encounters with my bullies, none of them were fun, often times I would come home upset. How did my parents react? Of course they were empathetic and would want to talk to the parents of the other kids, well that was not what I wanted them to do, so I 'took care of it.' Just as my brother and sister had taken care of their bullies. By taking care of it, this makes me the bully right? Now I don't condone 'taking care of it'... it is just how we did back then. (I sound like a Mob Boss haha) In many instances taking care of the situation only makes it worse and/or more violent. However, I am not sure that the current way of handleing the situation is the best either. It seems that we are more REACTIVE as opposed to PROACTIVE. The school systems don't want it to happen therefore they don't 'see' it until too late and then some child gets labeled BULLY. Isn't this what we are trying to avoid, labels, stereotypes, and prejuding?  In my opinion we should be teaching social skills to pre-schoolers. This is how we speak to one another, this is how we control our impulses ect....

We as parents don't see our children as much as we should or maybe we do. I don't know what the anwser is, I know that in our house it is never okay to put your hands on anyone. In our house we talk it out, and if you can't talk it out with the other person, tell your truth and leave it at that. Their response is none of your business.

GOD Help us!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

U r unemployed


noun /ˌənimˈploimənt/ 

1.                                                     The state of being unemployed
2.                                                     The number or proportion of unemployed people

I am going to start out by saying how much I truly have a love, hate relationship with unemployment. First let me explain that this is the first time since I have been legally employable that I have been without a job. However, I am not sure if it is the stigma that is keeping me unemployed or if the market is over-saturated, or if it is me as a person. I have been called to many interviews, I have had many people tell me that I would have been their choice, if that other person had not mention that they could do this or that. The fact of the matter is that I too could do this or that, but failed to mention it because the interview didn’t go this or that way. I am skilled; my resume does not define me. It will be a year next month. I have applied at several places twice. I have interview at several places; I can’t help but believe that I am not the problem.

I have work study and have applied for every position that I am eligible for, this is free money folks, and yet I remain unemployed. I regret to inform you that although you did meet the requirements you have not been chosen at this time. How about we don’t regret, because I really am not sure you regret to inform, I think maybe some of you regret your choice. Instead of the standard, why not be real? Why not say I didn’t enjoy our conversation and had a better one with so and so. Or why not lead off with I would have loved to hire you, but John’s niece needed a job so you are out. Sorry maybe if you know someone on the inside I can get you a job. Thank you but you answered the question about chocolate wrong; the answer is yes we love it only we never eat it, not what you said. We never tell the truth here!

I hate the stigmas, I hate that my sister says, “Yeah you don’t want people to think that you are one of THOSE people” What the fuck does that mean. In your opinion I should get me some non-slip shoes, a nametag and a drive-thru headset. Well I suppose it may come to that but at this point in my life I am not ready to regress. I am not just some Ass on the couch. I look for work daily, I go to college, and I want something out of life. Even though I disliked my previous employment, I did not want to be the next to get canned. I have loyalty and motivation to be a great employee, no matter the circumstances. Can I please get a chance?

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